LGC DMV November meeting

  • 30 Nov 2023
  • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Online!


Registration is closed

We are holding our monthly chapter meeting on November 30 at 8pm.

Few pieces of news:

  • LGC DMV is continuing to do range trips to SEG.  Unfortunately we need to limit participation to 12 members/guests to not overwhelm the range.  For members who find it too far to travel too, we are happy to help you stand up a local range day.
  • Virginia had an election this month.  Democrats took the House and Senate both by very slim majorities.  The Virginia governor is a Republican.  We are going to need to spend significant time talking to our elected representatives so that they understand why we have a better way forward on firearms policy than they do.  
  • The election was a referendum on access to abortion, not gun control.  Given how the political terrain has shifted on firearms ownership since the Pandemic and various supreme court decisions, I am confident that we are in a better position politically than in 2020. 
  • I think we have a reasonable chance of being able to help our elected representatives make better decisions.  However because of the political dynamics (gubernatorial veto) its likely that the General Assembly will pass all manner of gun control laws that will be vetoed by Governor Youngkin and those that do somehow either get signed or the General Assembly can override his veto will be challenged in court.
  • We will have a very busy legislative season ahead of us. 
  • I will send a separate email regarding elections. 


David Mayer-Sommer